“What theme have you been thinking about doing for Halloween?” We are hoping to make it easier for you by showcasing a few of our favorite choices of classic costumes for a group of 4 or 5.  Now, these costume themes below can be used for groups of friends or for your family. 

Classic Clown Costumes

classic costumes for groups

Everyone loves clowns! Their costumes are always bright and happy (although we have found some really scary clown costumes also) however for families most people like the happy theme, not the scary one!

These clown costumes will have you all standing out in a crowd! Everyone is catered for from Mom and dad right down to your little ones. To really set these costumes off add to your costumes, clown shoes,  bright coloured wigs and have fun with clown makeup designs.

The Circus Has Come To Town

classic costumes for groups

There have been quite a few circus-themed movies and TV shows in recent years such as The Greatest Showman and this has seen a huge surge in classic costumes circus theme sales. While we have shown you just four choices you will find much more available online.

As a thought, you could do a whole circus-themed street party for Halloween this year. Imagine the fun you could all have! Grab the neighbours and sit down to work out who is coming as what, some could be circus animals, clowns, ringmasters, jugglers, etc the list is endless!

Astronaut Costumes 

classic costumes for groups

Let’s face it Astronauts are pretty cool and no doubt you as a child or even your children have said at one time or another “when I grow up I am going to be an astronaut!”  Well now you have the opportunity of bringing to life a childhood dream.  With a vast array of Astronaut classic costumes available your whole family or group of friends can all dress up in this theme for Halloween.

You could even decorate your home as a space station or create a magical universe with glittering stars and cut-out planets hanging everywhere. Would look super cool!

Classic Costumes For Groups Must Include Cheerleaders!

classic costumes for groups

Cheer you and yours onto costume contest victory in cheerleader costumes! Cheerleaders have spirit, yes they do!  There are mountains of cheerleader costumes to add some pep in your step!

Cheerleaders are always full of encouragement and they are in great shape because they lift people; not weights! There are costumes in this theme to suit everyone in your family or create a huge group and make up a Halloween cheerleader song you can dance your way through Halloween with!

Devils & Angels A True Classic Costumes Theme

classic costumes for groups

Are you a devil or an angel  in disguise? When you cannot choose between the two choices, mix it up for this year’s Halloween group or family theme. Costumes range from sexy devil costumes and dresses for women and scary devil costumes for men! Don’t miss out on kids’ devil outfits perfect for those little wild children who love raising Halloween Hell everywhere they go!

Another benefit is the angle costumes can be used again at Christmas time for any themed parties you may be planning.

Biblical Classic Costumes For Groups

classic costumes for groups

From devils and angels to costumes of biblical proportions. If being more subdued and paying homage to our lord is more your cup of tea then these costumes are for you.

While you may be purchasing this theme for Halloween they also offer great value for money as you can keep them and use them for any religious play that may be coming up in your theater group or at your local school.


When Only Funny Food Costumes Will Do!

classic costumes for groups

When you want to take your classic costume’s theme for groups to a funny level then we think these food costumes will do the trick! There are other funny costume ideas you could use but for something simple and subtle these food costumes nail it!