Below you will find some of out top picks for Halloween. The kids can even use their costumes later for any school plays or themed parties they attend during the following year.
Sea Creatures Animal Costume Themes – Great For Families!

The deep blue sea is full of critters! From sea turtles to giant whales, and perhaps even… the mighty Kraken, the depths of the ocean are largely unknown. Well, it’s time for you to explore the wonderful world of sea creature costumes!
Sea creature theme always have some fantastic animal costumes. Wonderful and bright with added glitz. As you can see with Mom dressed up here as a Sea Siren! Dad could be an octopus with the kids loving sea horses and turtles and for babies, there are many designs you will certainly love at the Halloween Costumes store.
Bumble Bees Super Cute

We are sure you agree these black and yellow Bumble Bee costumes are super cute. Featuring black and yellow stripes, springy antennas and glistening wings just to name a few reasons why you will love these costumes for Halloween. If your family loves bees this is the set for you. Dad could be the beekeeper!
Jurassic World Meets Halloween Costume Themes!

If you’re a fan of dinosaur Halloween costumes, you’re going to totally love the huge range of prehistoric critters available to buy online.
This particular theme is brilliant if you live in a cold area come Halloween as most of them are fully suited. The four above are some of our favorites with their bright colors and attention to detail.
Farm Animal Costume Themes

We’re going to the country! That’s right, we’re going to take a little trip out to the farm all wearing farm animal costume themes! We absolutely love animals, especially the ones you could find chilling at Old MacDonald’s farm!
You know, pigs, chickens, horses, lambs and cows! Those cute critters really are something special, and that’s why we’ve gathered up all of our favorite farm animal costumes to showcase! Bonus is at Halloween Costumes they even make most of them right in the house so you can be assured of great quality plus they have many more for you to choose from.
The Cute Care Bears Costumes

There are so many wonderful characters that come from Care-a-lot Care Bears (did you ever see the Care Bear movies? The truth is, there is a Care Bear costume for everyone from the socialite to the loner. Zip into a Care Bear onesie and you’ll be delighted to take on your bear’s characteristics.
Choose from fuzzy tunics and jumpsuits for the adult and kids Care Bear costume of your choice! They all come in fantastic bright colors so will really stand out at your Care bear-themed Halloween party.
Whichever animal best reflects your personality, we know you will find the perfect animal costume themes for you and your family.